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Posts Tagged ‘gift wrapping events’

Jane Means to launch gift wrapping courses at Burghley House in Summer 2017

Despite running our gift wrapping courses for 18 years we’ve some exciting news… Jane Means is to launch gift wrapping courses at the iconic Burghley House   History Burghley House is a grand sixteenth century house, with its park laid out by Capability Brown. The Elizabethan estate is home to the Cecil Family and is regarded…

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Melbourne and Sydney Gift Wrapping Courses in Australia to be launched

Jane Means will be launching Melbourne and Sydney Gift Wrapping Courses in Australia later this year, to coincide with the Australian launch of her book ‘giftwrapped’   The gift wrapping expert says “It’s an exciting time taking the courses overseas.  For years I have had clients travelling from all over the world to attend the…

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Celebrating National Wrapping Day and joining Kirstie Allsopp on TV

With less than a week until Christmas, the last few months have been a whirlwind at Jane Means HQ. We’ve hired additional staff for our London Gift Wrapping Service and have been featured heavily in the press this Christmas. We even wrapped Shirley Bassey’s gifts on the front cover of the Christmas edition of Hello…

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Our hectic Christmas gift wrapping season

We are now in to the peak time of the gift wrapping calendar, and are busier than ever with our London gift wrapping services and events until Christmas For the last few weeks we have been busy gift wrapping wicker hamper baskets for a private client in Mayfair (over 300 of them).  You can also…

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