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Gift Wrapping Courses

Online gift wrapping courses being launched with Jane Means this Spring

Jane Means launching live online gift wrapping courses this spring Brand-new online gift wrapping courses are being launched with Jane Means this Spring. The gift wrapping specialist has been running courses for over 20 years, however only a handful of ‘in person’ courses have been able to go ahead during the pandemic, so a digital…

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Jane Means to launch Gift Wrapping Courses in the Cotswolds

Here a Ribbon HQ we are very happy to announce that Jane Means is to launch Gift Wrapping Courses in the Cotswolds. Whatley Manor Image courtesy of The Foodaholic Whatley Manor, our new venue, is a luxury manor house set in the beautiful Cotswolds countryside with 12 acres of garden, Spa and Michelin star cuisine.…

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Date announced for the Melbourne Gift Wrapping Course with Jane Means

Following the publication of ‘Giftwrapped’ in Australia, British Gift Wrapping expert Jane Means will be launching her first Melbourne Gift Wrapping Course on Saturday 9th April.   The inaugural classes will be held at the Windsor Workshops in Melbourne on Saturday 9th April in conjunction with lesson provider We Teach Me.  Attendees will have the choice of…

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Melbourne and Sydney Gift Wrapping Courses in Australia to be launched

Jane Means will be launching Melbourne and Sydney Gift Wrapping Courses in Australia later this year, to coincide with the Australian launch of her book ‘giftwrapped’   The gift wrapping expert says “It’s an exciting time taking the courses overseas.  For years I have had clients travelling from all over the world to attend the…

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An insight into our new Singapore Gift Wrapping Courses

We recently launched our first creative Singapore gift wrapping courses at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel with press in attendance. The creative classes were scheduled to coincide with the 50th Anniversary of Singapore Independence, known as SG50. With several recent visits to South East Asia to promote the publication of the Giftwrapped book, the inaugural creative…

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Creative Gift Wrapping Courses in Singapore this Summer

To celebrate the Singapore publication of the ‘Giftwrapped’ book, I’m delighted to be announcing the dates of several creative gift wrapping courses in Singapore this summer. The Singapore gift wrapping school will be open this summer and has been scheduled to celebrate the SG50 jubilee anniversary of independance, and the SEA games. It is a perfect location in South…

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How I dealt with having my designs copied and copyright advice.

Creative industries in the UK annually bring in £71 billion pounds and this is growing by 10% each year. I am surrounded by creative people and designers, and one of the biggest concerns is copyright and IP issues (known as Intellectual Property),  so I’ve decided to dedicate a blog post sharing my own experience, with advice…

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Join Jane Means at the Giftwrapped book launch

In a few weeks my new book giftwrapped will be launched to the world and going on sale worldwide. Many people have not wanted to wait until the end of November when it hits the shops, so I’ve had a busy couple of weeks signing copies and personally gift wrapping each one that has been ordered…

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