Press Release: Jane Means IP issue with Berisfords Ribbons
Award winning ACID member Jane Means is a ribbon designer and wrapping design expert and used to use a supplier named Berisfords. She was very disturbed to discover that Berisfords had produced and were selling what could only be said to be a remarkably similar ribbon product. After correspondence from ACID Affiliate Lawyers McDaniel & Co., Berisfords agreed to give an undertaking and pay £893.26.
Niall Head-Rapson said, “Often a simple letter before action can achieve a result and in this case, whilst not admitting liability, Berisfords have agreed not to produce this ribbon design further and paid Jane Means’ costs.
Following the payment, Jane Means said, “I have spent many years building up my name and reputation as a ribbon designer and I am pleased that this matter has been concluded. I will do anything necessary to protect my signature designs”.
Dids Macdonald, ACID’s CEO said, “It is good that Berisfords responded positively to Jane Means’s IP claim and that the matter has been resolved without the need to take further legal action”.
A personal note from Jane…
” We have a very good relationship with suppliers, and you trust your manufacturers with your artwork. I was very shocked that Berisfords an established company who I’ve had a long standing relationship with, and given plenty of repeat business to over the years, would do this. It’s poor behaviour to copy others and I would’ve hoped this could have been resolved so we could’ve continued working together but how can I work with a company who I don’t trust?”
And finally…
“I would like to thank those of you for your endless messages of support which have meant so much during this case, and welcome any comments”