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Posts Tagged ‘London gift wrapping’

Check out our London Gift Wrapping Service throughout the year

Our London Gift Wrapping Service is now in full swing with the with the weeks numbered until Christmas. Months have been spent sourcing beautiful embellishment from the New York, luxurious papers from Europe and every type of ribbon has been sourced around the globe. We believe that the wrapping of a gift is as important…

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Celebrating National Wrapping Day and joining Kirstie Allsopp on TV

With less than a week until Christmas, the last few months have been a whirlwind at Jane Means HQ. We’ve hired additional staff for our London Gift Wrapping Service and have been featured heavily in the press this Christmas. We even wrapped Shirley Bassey’s gifts on the front cover of the Christmas edition of Hello…

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Join Jane Means at the Giftwrapped book launch

In a few weeks my new book giftwrapped will be launched to the world and going on sale worldwide. Many people have not wanted to wait until the end of November when it hits the shops, so I’ve had a busy couple of weeks signing copies and personally gift wrapping each one that has been ordered…

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Gift wrapping awkward shapes with tissue

One of the main questions I am asked on my gift wrapping courses, is how to tackle the gift wrapping of awkward shapes. To many it fills them with horror yet I believe wrapping awkward shapes is easier than a square box, which is more strict with measurements. You may have bought a shirt or…

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Our hectic Christmas gift wrapping season

We are now in to the peak time of the gift wrapping calendar, and are busier than ever with our London gift wrapping services and events until Christmas For the last few weeks we have been busy gift wrapping wicker hamper baskets for a private client in Mayfair (over 300 of them).  You can also…

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Gift Wrapping ‘Live’ in the windows at Liberty

One of my favourite stores is Liberty located in the heart of London. The iconic building is located just off bustling Regent Street. We were over the moon when Liberty decided to stock our range of ribbons last year. I am delighted to be involved with their forthcoming ‘Get Creative’ event which will showcase their…

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