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Luxury Wrap & Stationery

Great ideas using Calligraphy in Gift Wrapping

I have always loved the old fashioned way of writing particularly with a fountain pen, so I thought I’d share with you some great ideas using calligraphy in gift wrapping Ribbons, Wooden Spool and Tag by Jane Means I am very lucky to have worked along side the talented calligraphy expert Judy Broad, who’s help…

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Jane Means launches Gift Wrapping Collection in Singapore

Its been a busy few days behind the scenes and we’re delighted to announce the launch of our Gift Wrapping Collection in Singapore at Spotlight Stores With glue guns, papers, ribbons, crafty accessories and staple guns, it’s been a busy few days styling the ‘Wrap Love’ window displays in the busy Singapura Plaza Jane Means ribbons and…

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Jane Means launching new products at Pulse Trade Show, London

Pulse is the UK’s ultimate boutique trade event for inspiring new gifts, modern living and fashion and Jane Means will be there next week to launch new wholesale products to the industry   As well as our British made Reversible gift wrap, we will be launching our new ribbon cubes which make the ideal gift for…

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Luxury Gift Wrapping Sets by Jane Means up for grabs

We are so excited that our wrap has finally been launched and have some Luxury Gift Wrapping Sets by Jane Means up for grabs at a snippet of the price For a limited time, our bespoke sets which are worth £40 will be available for £25 including postage and colours include Pink Peony, Plantation Green, Vintage…

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Jane Means launches a London stationery shop

Being so appreciative of the positive feedback and many requests for the return of my successful venture into ‘the pop up shop’ world of two years ago, I welcomed the opportunity to, once again, and I’ve some exciting news….Jane Means has opened a London pop up stationery shop within the elegant and established garden walls…

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Join Jane Means at the Giftwrapped book launch

In a few weeks my new book giftwrapped will be launched to the world and going on sale worldwide. Many people have not wanted to wait until the end of November when it hits the shops, so I’ve had a busy couple of weeks signing copies and personally gift wrapping each one that has been ordered…

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A peek inside the new Jane Means gift wrapping book ‘giftwrapped’

For years this has been a dream. To put all of my creative ideas in to my very  own Gift Wrapping Book. I’ve been approached by others, but wanted to write my signature book, with a specific look and feel, oozing with beautiful photography and simple steps. I approached one publisher only, one whos books…

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Gift wrapping awkward shapes with a tailored ribbon bow

If we’re not going with traditional birthday gift baskets – we are often faced with gift wrapping awkward shapes, and something that has always been a challenge is tying a bow around something fragile or flexible     If you tried to tie a bow around a silk scarf wrapped in tissue, or a pile…

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